It has now been over one year since I first asked the person who has a duty to Represent me to do his duty. Of record on the Internet is my petition to Eddie Rodriguez on Memorial Day of last year, 2018.
Here it is:
I am on his email list. Every month I get his email. In every one he does not fail to advocates for puppies and dogs nor to advocate for immigrants who have entered our United States without going through the process that our laws require.
That is fine. But that is not what he was elected to do. Eddie Rodriguez asked for the job. He was elected, and took an Oath, to preserve, protect and defend our Constitutions and our Laws. He has a duty to use the power we delegated to him to do what he can to see the people of Texas House District 51 have the protection of the Law. The Law of our Texas Constitution and the statutory laws of our Texas Legislature made in pursuance thereof, must protect the individuals that those in the Executive and / or Judicial Division of government have harmed in violation of the law.
To date he has refused to meet with me in our Office for our House District 51 in our Capitol. His staff tells me he has other priorities. I wish he cared as much about the people of the District he represents as he does about dogs.