Another example of Legislators that are of concern. NOTE she has been a Legislator for over 20 years in our Texas House. But the voters never had a say. Elected legislators come and go. But those who manage to get hired stay. She on our payroll for over $80,000 a year and is paid to be a Legislator for 365 days a year or 730 days bi-annually. The Elected Legislator comes for 140 days every other year. WHO do you think has more say in what our Laws are and in how our money is spent? Some, maybe many, of these career bureaucrats are dedicated public servants. But many develop an attitude that government exists to serve bureaucrats as if they were royalty and we, the taxpayers, are their servants.
Texas House of Representatives
20 yrs 1 mo
Chief of Staff to State Representative John Cyrier
Feb 2015 – Present
4 yrs
State Capitol
Chief of Staff to Rep. Tim Kleinschmidt
Feb 2012 – Mar 2015
3 yrs 2 mos
Austin, Texas
Chief of Staff to State Rep Fred Brown
Jan 1999 – Jan 2012
13 yrs 1 mo
Austin, Texas Area
Administrative Technician III
Texas Department of Insurance
Jul 1997 – Dec 1999
2 yrs 6 mos
Austin, Texas Area
Provided support for Information Services by gathering and compiling program reports andorganizing data for management reports. Supervised development of office forms, tracked specialprojects and routed incoming calls and visitors to appropriate personnel.
Legislative Aide to Rep Joe Driver
Texas House of Representatives
Jan 1997 – Jun 1997
6 mos
Austin, Texas Area
Assisted the Representative in his duties as Vice Chair of the Public Safety Committee by identifyingall legislation coming before the committee. Aided in compiling and tracking of more than 5,000bills, amendments, and resolutions coming before the 75th legislative session. Prepared dailybriefing papers on issues affecting the Legislators district.
University of Texas at Tyler
Bachelor of Science
Political Science
1992 – 1996
Activities and Societies: Graduated with honors, Cum Laude
Trinity Valley Community College
Associate of Science
Criminal Justice
1988 – 1993
Activities and Societies: Graduated with honors as a member of Phi Theta Kappa