Martin Luther King famously said; “I have a dream”. My fellow Americans; The DREAM of MLK was NOT new to our Nation. IT WAS THE SAME DREAM ON WHICH OUR NATION WAS ESTABLISHED ON JULY 4, 1776 !
You may recall these words from our Declaration of Independence;
“We hold these Truths to be Self-Evident that ALL humans ARE CREATED EQUAL endowed by their creator with certain inalienable Rights”
and help us
It is THE REAL AMERICAN DREAM. Often we hear “the American Dream” in the context of the achievement of prosperity and excess wealth. NO, that is not the American Dream. That is only the hoped for product of the realization of the dream of EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAW.
This phrase of law, “Equal Protection of the Law”, found in the 14th Amendment to our US Constitution was ALREACY IN OUR CONSTITUTION prior to the addition of this amendment. It is found in ARTICLE 1 of our Constitution as applicable to BOTH the States and to the United States. To those who have studied the history and the law leading up to and at the time of the creation of our Constitution the phrase of law, The “Prohibition of Titles of Nobility” is a legal phrase synonymous with “Equal Protection of the Law”. And BOTH are the foundation of LIBERTY.
Without BOTH of these there is no LIBERTY and there is no “Equal Justice Under the Law” (as carved in stone above our United States Supreme Court Building.
The Fourteenth Amendment codified and made Constitutional the statutory Law of Congress passed in 1866, at the conclusion of the Civil War. Known as the first Civil Rights Act; The Title of the Act is important to note; “An Act to protect all Persons in the United States in their Civil Rights, and furnish the Means of their Vindication.” Note it says ALL persons. Not black, colored, brown, minority, marginalized, etc. It says ALL persons, including those who are white, male, heterosexual, and those not employed in government !!!
I am certain the intent of the Founders when they established our Organic Law, our Declaration of July 4, 1776, and of those who ratified that Law with a blood sacrifice, was the abolishment of slavery, regardless of the skin color of the enslaved. SLAVERY WAS NEVER LEGAL on our Land post July 4, 1776. It was, however, tolerated. The Law was simply not enforced until the Northern States, under the Federal Government, enforced it on the Southern States. Until then The American Dream remained, for many, just a dream rather than a reality. And, in many respects for most of color across this land, it remained a dream. Thus, a a man like Martin Luther King was needed to RESTORE THE AMERICAN DREAM. Not just for people of color. But for ALL people.
Although the dream was not new in 1964, and not new in 1866, admittedly equality among the races was not foremost in their mind of those who established the American Dream in 1776. At the time the lack of Equality, the lack of Equal Protection of the Law, of primary concern was caused by TITLES OF NOBILITY. In England, and in the Colonies of England, those who held positions in government acquire those positions by the grant of a Title from the Monarch (King or Queen). These were known as Titles of Nobility. And they carried with them the immunity of the Sovereign. The sovereign, it was believed, was incapable of doing any wrong and, therefore, could not be held liable for any wrong. Not even for an overt, obvious, intentionally, violation ANY law of the Magna Carta (in effect, the Constitution of England), the penal laws, nor even the laws of God (the laws of the Church). The most the Monarch could fear was an excommunication from the Pope in Rome (Prior to the establishment of the Anglican Church under Henry the VIII).
Although offense to the Laws of Reason, and the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God; This philosophy of government and law was grounded in a doctrine referred to as “The Divine Right of Kings”. A doctrine established by what was effectively a treaty between the Holy Roman Church and the Monarchs of the Western World that developed after the collapse of the Republic of Rome and the Roman Empire. A treaty that may have created some unity among the Kingdoms of the Western World, but was also the genesis of the Reformation that came later.
From the foregoing you should see, THE AMERICAN DREAM of Equality, of Liberty, was grounded in the quest for the people who did NOT have an appointment (employment) to a job in government to have the same PROTECTION OF THE LAW as those who were.
And also recognize another common misconception. That is; WHO was the Law to protect and from WHOM? The purpose of Law in the western world, prior to the advent of Americanism, was to protect subjects from subjects. There was no protection of the subjects from the Nobility. This was referred to as feudal slavery. The purpose of the Law in our Nation, and later in all other Nations that threw off the yoke of Monarchy in exchange for popular sovereignty (‘Democracy’), is to protect the people, as individuals, from the government, and all employed in government. The protection of people from other private citizens was intended to be a secondary function of the law.
I’m living proof that the American Dream, and the Dream of the Texans of 1836, has died in the Land known as Texas. Those employed in the government of Texas (The State) are now a Titled Nobity. As with the Titled Nobility of the Monarch of England their employing entity (the STATE as the new Monarch) has, by Judge created Law, been granted sovereign immunity. Also known as government immunity.
I am a victim of crimes committed under the cover of positions of public trust. This a fact of public record and an adjudicated fact (a FACT, a TRUTH, which has been certified by Judicial Review). It is not subject to any dispute. But Judge made Law, and the Law of our Legislature, in violation of the supreme Law of the Land, has deprived me of the Protection of ANY law, including the Law of our Constitutions.
Law that deprives me of my God-given Right to Restitution and Remedy secured in our Texas Constitution as inviolate, and as excepted from the powers of government, with the decree that all laws to the contrary are void, is unquestionably an unjust law out of harmony with moral law. An Attorney cannot claim ignorance of the law. But that is what they are doing if they insist I take my case back to court to get a Judge to educate them.
Law that deprives me of my God-given Right to Resti
tution and Remedy secured in our Texas Constitution as inviolate, and as excepted from the powers of government, with the decree that all laws to the contrary are void, is unquestionably an unjust law out of harmony with moral law. An Attorney cannot claim ignorance of the law. But that is what they are doing if they insist I take my case back to court to get a Judge to educate them.
Every Day I pray for our next savior. WE NEED ANOTHER MARTIN LUTHER KING to remind us, again, of THE AMERICAN DREAM and help us make the Dream a Reality.