Our Legislators have the power to demand compliance.
That power is in the public treasury the Executive and Judicial divisions now want a part of. Use it as a tool to demand compliance AND; Hold them accountable to the Law! Make them pay Restitution and Remedy. They will then comply with the law. Our Rights will once again be secure.

- The idea that a government should be free to unlawfully imprison people without even the minimal deterrence of Restitution for their lost property and Remedy for their injuries is abhorrent.
- The idea is asbolutely repugnant to a free people.
- It is unacceptable to the descendants of those who valued Liberty more than Life.
- It defeats the very purpose for the creation of Constitutional Law, and other Laws made in pursuance of the primary objective of Constitutional Law.
- It is the opposite of THE RULE OF LAW!
Our Legislators have the power to demand compliance.
- Is NOT a Right that any, even Legislators, can legally choose to grant or deny.
- Is NOT a Right that ANY have been delegated power to create or destroy.
- It is NOT Right that ANY can lawfully or ethically limit into non-existence.
It is a RIGHT that springs from “THE LAWS OF NATURE AND NATURE’S GOD”, not from Humans. This recognition is evident by the establishment of security for this Right in Human Made Law. It is a God-given Right recognized and found in;
- The Law of our Texas Constitution.
- The Law of our United States Constitution,
- In International Law as a Universal Human Right
- As well as in Ancient Law considered the Root of our Law & Liberty, the Great Charter of Liberties, the Magna Carta, over 800 years ago.
- And in other, even older, legal and religious texts. Including the New and Old Testaments of the Judeo & Christian Bible.
It is of no benefit to The People of Texas to have a government free to unlawfully imprison them.
If those in the Executive and Judicial Divisions of our government don’t like it then they can do like the rest of us. They can begin to COMPLY WITH THE LAW and do what they can to insure others in those divisions comply as well.
Our Law requires that we purchase insurance before we drive a car. They should be required to purchase insurance before they drive our government – in particular the dangerous criminal justice system.

Dear Legislator (includes those hired into the division, as well as the elected)

The Last Word from the Attorney General
The Last Word from the Courts
From first paragraph: “The State has appealed the judgment, contending that Heimlich’s claims are barred by sovereign immunity.”
From the last paragraph: “Accordingly, we will reverse and render judgment dismissing Heimlich’s wrongful- imprisonment claim for want of subject-matter jurisdiction, and that Heimlich take nothing on his takings claim.”

Deprived of the Law of our Constitution that protects my Right to Remedy
My God-given Right to Remedy for my injuries is secured in the Law of our Texas Constitution as a “inviolate”, and as “excepted from the powers of government”, with the additional protection that “all laws to the contrary are void”. My Texas Legislature, alone, is depriving me of this Right!
I look forward to your reply to my request. Visit my HONOR QUEST website; honorquest.org and INFORMED CITIZENS, informed.org for additional background information.
Thank You, Ed xxxx, a Human Person, a Citizen of Texas and the US
August 10, 2018
The Law that makes the obligation a Legal Obligation is found in (1) the ancient law of the Magna Carta; and, (2) the relatively recent law of the International Community made part of our Supreme Law of the Land in 1992; but most poignantly for Texans, (3) in our Texas Constitution’s Bill of Rights.
Rights in our Texas Bill of Rights are inherent, inalienable, god-given, natural, Rights that we hold so dear our Constitution secured them with these words:
Sec. 29. BILL OF RIGHTS EXCEPTED FROM POWERS OF GOVERNMENT AND INVIOLATE. To guard against transgressions of the high powers herein delegated, we declare that everything in this “Bill of Rights” is excepted out of the general powers of government, and shall forever remain inviolate, and all laws contrary thereto, or to the following provisions, shall be void.
1) My Right to Remedy is secured by Section 13 of Article 1. Any law contrary to that right is void.
2) My Right to Restitution is secured by Section 30 (a)(4) of Article 1. Any law contrary to that right is void.
Any with English language reading comprehension skills at the 8th grade level can interpret our Texas Constitution. The Law of our Constitutions, and Statutory Law made by our Legislature, are not written in a foreign language. Ignorance of the Law due to an inability to understand (interpret) the Law is no excuse for depriving me, or any other citizen, of our right to the protection and benefits of our Laws. Certainly not a valid, cognizable, excuse for someone with a license to practice law.
My Right excepted from the power of the Executive Division of Government
Our Texas Constitution does not give you, our Attorney General, or those who assist you with the functions of your office, the power to make law. Some of our Legislators, and some of those employed to assist them in the performance of their duties seem to be of the impression it does. Rather than read our Constitutions, and their own laws, they look to the Office of the Attorney General for the Law!
A failure to correct their false impression of who makes the law, as well as the substance of the law, is a violation of your duty of candor to their tribunal. Furthermore; Your Law is void if it deprives me of my Right to Remedy and Right to Restitution. My Right to Remedy and Restitution is excepted from the power of the Executive Division of our government. You abuse your official capacity by using the power of your office to deprive me of my Right to Remedy and Right to Restitution.
My Right excepted from the power of the Judicial Division of Government
A Final Judgment determined what is due me as Remedy and Restitution for my property loss and injuries. This is a legal obligation of The State of Texas. In the past one or more in the Office of the Attorney General obstructed the appropriation required to satisfy this obligation. They told those in our Legislative Division that the Final Judgment had been reversed. They relied upon an opinion of the Third Court of Appeals. As you know; When an Opinions of our Courts interprets statutory laws it is referred to as ‘decisional law’.
Section 29 of Article 1 of our Texas Constitution is unequivocal. That decisional law of the Judiciary is as void as any other that would deprive me of my Right to Remedy and my Right to Restitution. My Right to Remedy and Restitution is excepted from the power of the Judicial Division of our government. You abuse your official capacity if you tell our Legislators otherwise.
And if we say an ‘interpretation’ of legislative intent of Law made by your, our Legislators, deprives me of my Right to Remedy then obviously your law as void the same as is what might be referred to as Law made by the Judiciary by means of ‘interpretation’.
My Right excepted from the power of the Judicial Division of Government
A Final Judgment determined what is due me as Remedy and Restitution for my property loss and injuries. This is a legal obligation of The State of Texas. In the past one or more in the Office of the Attorney General obstructed the appropriation required to satisfy this obligation. They told those in our Legislative Division that the Final Judgment had been reversed. They relied upon an opinion of the Third Court of Appeals. As you know; When an Opinions of our Courts interprets statutory laws it is referred to as ‘decisional law’.
Section 29 of Article 1 of our Texas Constitution is unequivocal. That decisional law of the Judiciary is as void as any other that would deprive me of my Right to Remedy and my Right to Restitution. My Right to Remedy and Restitution is excepted from the power of the Judicial Division of our government. You abuse your official capacity if you tell our Legislators otherwise.
And if we say an ‘interpretation’ of legislative intent of Law made by your, our Legislators, deprives me of my Right to Remedy then obviously your law as void the same as is what might be referred to as Law made by the Judiciary by means of ‘interpretation’.

Sec. 16. BILLS OF ATTAINDER; EX POST FACTO OR RETROACTIVE LAWS; IMPAIRING OBLIGATION OF CONTRACTS. No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, retroactive law, or any law impairing the obligation of contracts, shall be made.
The creation of crimes after the commission of the fact, or, in other words, the subjecting of men to punishment for things which, when they were done, were breaches of no law, and the practice of arbitrary imprisonments, have been, in all ages, the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny.
Our Texas Constitution is law relating to the Office of District Attorney for Harris County, and those hired to assist in that Attorney’s actions performed in the name of The State of Texas. The mandate of November of 1999 in the case of The State of Texas vs. Ed proves that I, Ed, was the victim of the crime of abuse of official capacity and the crime of official oppression. See Attached Mandate.
Our Texas Constitution is law relating to the Office of the Attorney General and the employment of those hired to assist him in the performance of his duty to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this State. The mandate of January, 2003, in the case of Edmund Heimlich vs. The State of Texas prove that I have been a victim of the crime of abuse of official capacity and the crime of official oppression. See Attached Mandate.
Texas Penal Code
1) violates a law relating to the public servant’s office or employment;
(1) intentionally subjects another to mistreatment or to arrest, detention, search, seizure, dispossession, assessment, or lien that he knows is unlawful;
(2) intentionally denies or impedes another in the exercise or enjoyment of any right, privilege, power, or immunity, knowing his conduct is unlawful; or
(3) intentionally subjects another to sexual harassment.